- Paper accepted at the ACM Web Conference (14 February 2024): Our paper “(In)Security of File Uploads in Node.js” was accepted for publication at the ACM World Wide Web (WWW) Conference! Congrats to Harun Oz, Abbas Acar, Ahmet Aris, and the rest of the team!
- Paper accepted at IEEE ICC (January 16, 2024): Our paper “Exploring Jamming and Hijacking Attacks for Micro Aerial Drones” was accepted for publication at the 2024 IEEE International Conference of Communications. Congratulations to Yassine Mekdad, Ahmet Aris, Abbas Acar, and the rest of the team!
- Author Publication Incentive Award (November 22, 2023): Our Graduate Researcher Yassine Mekdad has received the FIU ECE Ph.D. First Author Publication Incentive Awards. Congrats to Yassine!
- RSA Scholar Award (November 3, 2023): Our Graduate Researcher Yassine Mekdad has received the RSAC Security Scholar Award to participate in the 2024 RSA conference. Congrats to Yassine!
- Manuscript accepted at IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (November 1, 2023): Our paper, “Resisting Deep Learning Models Against Adversarial Attack Transferability via Feature Randomization” was accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (IEEE TSC). Congrats to Yassine Mekdad and the entire team. More information about this work is available here.
- Paper at Usenix Security’23 (August 9, 2023): Our paper, “RøB: Ransomware over Modern Web Browsers” was accepted for publication at the 2023 USENIX Security Symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA. Congrats to Harun, Ahmet, Abbas, Leonardo, and the entire team.
- Manuscript accepted at Wiley Security and Privacy (July 24, 2023): Our paper, “A Comprehensive Security and Performance Assessment of UAV Authentication Schemes” was accepted to appear in Wiley Security and Privacy. Congrats to Yassine Mekdad, Ahmet Aris, Abbas Acar, and the entire team. More information about this work is available here.
- Manuscript accepted at Elsevier Computer Networks Journal (February 8, 2023): Our paper, “A Survey on Security and Privacy Issues of UAVs” was accepted to appear in Elsevier Computer Networks Journal. Congrats to Yassine Mekdad, Ahmet Aris, and the entire team. More information about this work is available here.
- New Lab Member (January 1 2023): The CSL family welcomes our Graduate Researcher Yassine Mekdad. He previously worked with the lab as a Fulbright visiting researcher in 2021 and 2022. Welcome aboard Yassine!
Two CSL Papers accepted at Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium 2022: Our papers “A Lightweight IoT Cryptojacking Detection Mechanism in Heterogeneous Smart Home Networks,” and “The Truth Shall Set Thee Free: Enabling Practical Forensic Capabilities in Smart Environments,” were accepted for publication at the 2022 Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium. Dr. Abbas Acar, and past members, Dr. Amit Sikder, Dr. Leonardo Babun, Ege Tekiner for these achievements!
- Paper accepted at the ACM Computing Surveys: Our paper “A Survey on Ransomware: Evolution, Taxonomy, and Defense Solutions” was accepted for publication at the ACM Computing Surveys. Congratulations to Harun Oz and the rest of the team!
- Prof. Selcuk Uluagac wins 2021 Google ASPIRE Award: Eminent Scholar Chaired Associate Professor Selcuk Uluagac has won the 2021 Google Android Security and Privacy Research (ASPIRE) Award for the team’s ongoing work to improve the security and privacy of Android devices and applications. Congratulations to the winning CSL researchers, including Dr. Ahmet Aris, Dr. Abbas Acar.
- Survey accepted at Elsevier AdHoc Networks: Our Survey “Survey on Enterprise Internet-of-Things Systems (E-IoT): A Security Perspective” was accepted for publication at the Elsevier AdHoc Networks. Congratulations to Luis Puche Rondon and the rest of the authors!
- Paper accepted at the IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials: Our paper “A Survey of Honeypots and Honeynets for Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things, and Cyber-Physical Systems” was accepted for publication at the IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. Congratulations to Javier Franco and the rest of the team!
- Paper accepted at 14th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec ’21): Our paper “LightningStrike: (In)secure Practices of E-IoT Systems in the Wild” was accepted for publication at the 2021 ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec ’21). Congratulations to Luis Puche Rondon and the rest of the team!
- Paper accepted at Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium 2021: Our paper “MINOS: A Lightweight Real-Time Cryptojacking Detection System” was accepted for publication at the 2021 Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium. Congratulations to Faraz Naseem and the rest of the team!
- CSL Lab Welcomes (July 1, 2021): Yassine Mekdad as a Fulbright visiting researcher. Yassine will be working on UAV security and adversarial machine learning.
- Paper accepted at ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare (HEALTH) 2021: Our paper “A Survey on Security and Privacy Issues in Modern Healthcare Systems: Attacks and Defenses” was accepted for publication at the 2021 ACM HEALTH. Congratulations to Iqtidar Newaz and the rest of the team!
- Paper accepted at IEEE Globecom 2020: Our paper “Adversarial Attacks to Machine Learning-Based Smart Healthcare Systems” was accepted for publication at the 2020 IEEE Global Communications. Congratulations to Iqtidar Newaz and the rest of the team!
- Paper accepted at ACM BuildSys 2020: Our paper “PoisonIvy: (In)secure Practices of Enterprise IoT Systems in Smart Buildings” was accepted for publication at the 2020 ACM BuildSys conference . Congratulations to Luis Puche Rondon and all the contributors of this work!
- Two papers accepted at ACM WiSec 2020: Our papers “KRATOS: Multi-User Multi-Device-Aware Access Control System for the Smart Home” and “Peek-a-Boo: I see your smart home activities, even encrypted!” were accepted for publication at the 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec 2020). Congratulations to Amit Kumar Sikder, Abbas Acar, and the rest of the team!
- Manuscript accepted at the IEEE TNSE: Our Manuscript “HDMI-Watch: Smart Intrusion Detection System Against HDMI Attacks” was accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. Congratulations to Luis Puche Rondon and all the contributors of this work!
- Outstanding Student Life Award: Our team member, Leonardo Babun, received the distinguished Outstanding Student Life Award in the category of Outstanding Scholar awarded by the Florida International University. Congrats to Leo!
- CSL lab congratulates Abbas Acar for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation titled “Privacy-Aware Security Applications in the Era of Internet of Things.” (April 16, 2020).
- The CSL family congratulates Leonardo Babun for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation titled “On-device Security and Privacy Mechanisms for Resource-limited Devices: A Bottom-Up Approach” (March 23, 2020).
- UGS Provost Award 2020 (March 31, 2020): Our Ph.D. student, Amit Kumar Sikder, received the distinguished University Provost Award for Outstanding Graduate Project awarded by the University graduate school and provost office, Florida International University. Congrats to Amit!
- Invited Technical Talk at MITRE: Our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun was invite to give the technical talk entitled “On-Device Security and Privacy Mechanisms for Resource-limited Devices: A Bottom-Up Approach” at the MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA.
- Invited Technical Talk at ORNL: Our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun was invite to give the technical talk entitled “On-Device Security and Privacy Mechanisms for Resource-limited Devices: A Bottom-Up Approach” at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN.
- Invited Technical Talk at ARL: Our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun was invite to give the technical talk entitled “On-Device Security and Privacy Mechanisms for Resource-limited Devices: A Bottom-Up Approach” at the Army Research Laboratory (ARL), Adelphi, MD.
- Paper accepted at IEEE ICC 2020: Our paper “Z-IoT: Passive Device-class Fingerprinting of Zigbee and Z-wave IoT Devices” was accepted for publication at the 2020 IEEE International Conference of Communications. Congratulations to Leo Babun and the rest of the team!
- Accepted paper at IEEE CNS 2020 (March 23, 2020): Our paper, “HEKA: A Novel Intrusion Detection System for Attacks to Personal Medical Devices” was accepted for publication at the 8th IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS 2020). Congrats to Iqtidar, Amit, Leo, and the entire team.
- Poster Presentation at RSA: Our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun presented the technical poster titled “Security and Privacy Mechanisms for IoT and IIoT Devices and Applications” at the 2020 RSA Conference. Congrats to Leo!
- RSA Scholar Award: Our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun received the RSAC Security Scholar Award to participate in the 2020 RSA conference. Congrats to Leo!
- Manuscript accepted at Springer HASS: Our manuscript “USB-Watch: A Generalized Hardware-Assisted Insider Threat Detection Framework” was accepted for publication at the Springer Journal of Hardware and Systems Security. Congratulations to Kyle, Leo Babun, and the entire team!. The manuscript is available here.
- Paper at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (February 10, 2020): Our paper, “A Usable and Robust Continuous Authentication Framework using Wearables” was accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC). Congrats to Abbas Acar and the entire team. More information about this work is available here.
- CSL Lab Welcomes (January 6, 2020): Genevieve Liberte as a new Master of Science student. Genevieve previously worked with the lab during the Security of Smart Things REU in the summer of 2017.
- Technical Talk at ACSAC 2019 (December 12, 2019): Our Ph.D. student, Amit Kumar Sikder, gave a technical talk titled “A Novel Fine-grained Access Control System for Multi-user Multi-device Smart Home Systems” at the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2019). Congrats to Amit, Leo, and the entire team. The details of the project and pre-print of our work can be found here.
- CSL Lab Welcomes (December 12, 2019): Harun Oz as a new Master of Science student.
- Technical Talk at ACSAC 2019 (December 13, 2019): Our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun, gave a technical presentation titled “Real-time Privacy Analysis of IoT Apps”” at the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2019). Congrats to Leo, and the entire team.
- Technical Talk at ACSAC 2019 (December 13, 2019): Our Ph.D. student Luis Puche Rondon, gave a technical talk titled “HDMI-Walk: Attacking HDMI Distribution Networks via Consumer Electronic Control Protocol” at the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2019). Congrats to Luis, Leo, and the entire team. The details of the project and pre-print of our work can be found here.
- Poster Presentation at ACSAC 2019 (December 12, 2019): Our Ph.D. student, Amit Kumar Sikder, presented a poster titled “A Novel Fine-grained Access Control System for Multi-user Multi-device Smart Home Systems” at the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2019). Congrats to Amit, Leo, and the entire team.
- Poster Presentation at ACSAC 2019 (December 12, 2019): Our Ph.D. candidate, Leonardo Babun, presented a poster titled “Real-time Privacy Analysis of IoT Apps” at the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2019). Congrats to Leo and the entire team.
- Telemundo Noticias Coverage (December 12, 2019): Our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun explained the privacy risks of smart cameras and how we can protect ourselves from cyber attacks at Telemundo Noticias (Spanish). Congrats Leo!
- Manuscript accepted at ACM TCPS: Our manuscript “System-level Behavioral Detection Framework for Compromised CPS Devices: Smart-Grid Case” was accepted for publication at the ACM Transactions of Cyber-Physical Systems. Congrats to Leo Babun and the entire team. The manuscript is available here.
- Dissertation Year Fellowship Award (November 27, 2019): Our Ph.D. student, Amit Kumar Sikder, received the prestigious Dissertation Year Fellowship awarded by the University Graduate School, Florida International University. Congrats to Amit!
- Poster presentation at NFS CPS PI Meeting 2019 (November 21, 2019): Amit Kumar Sikder and Dr. Uluagac presented a poster, “CAREER: Securing Sensory Side-Channels in Cyber-Physical Systems” at the 2019 NSF CPS PI Meeting, Crystal City, VA, USA. The details of the project can be found here.
- Poster Presentation at 2019 GDRR: Our poster “Blockchain-assisted Privacy Analysis of IoT Apps” was accepted for presentation at the 2019 GDRR Foundations for Blockchain Data Analytics Workshop. Congratulations to Leo Babun and the rest of the team!
- Travel Award: Our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun received a Travel Award to participate in the 2019 SAMSI Foundations for Blockchain Data Analytics Workshop. Congrats to Leo!
- Paper accepted at IEEE GreenComm: Our paper “CSPoweR-Watch: A Cyber-resilient Residential Power Management System” was accepted for publication at the 2019 IEEE GreenComm. Congrats to Faraz, Leo Babun, Cengiz, and the rest of the team. The paper is available here.
- Paper accepted at IEEE Globecom Workshop: The paper “MAD-IOT: Memory Anomaly Detection for the Internet of Things” was accepted for publication at the Workshop on Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Internet of Things, co-located with the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2019. Congrats to Leo Babun and the entire team. The paper is available here.
- Awarded U.S. Patent (September 19, 2019): Our patent, “Context-aware intrusion detection method for smart devices with sensors” has been granted by US patent office, patent no: US10417413B2. Congrats to Amit, Hidayet, and the entire team. Details of our patent can be found here.
- Accepted paper at ACSAC 2019 (August 23, 2019): Our paper, “Aegis: a context-aware security framework for smart home systems” was accepted for publication at 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2019). Congrats to Amit, Leo, and the entire team. More information about this work is available here.
- Accepted Paper at ACSAC 2019 (August 23, 2019): Our paper, “HDMI-Walk: Attacking HDMI Distribution Networks via Consumer Electronic Control Protocol” was accepted for publication at 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2019). Congrats to Luis, Leo Babun, and the entire team. More information about this work is available here.
- Accepted paper at IEEE SNAMS (August 21, 2019): Our paper, “Healthguard: A machine learning-based security framework for smart healthcare systems”, was accepted for publication at the Sixth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS), Granada, Spain. Congrats to Iqtidar, Amit, and the entire team. More information on the paper is available here.
- Accepted paper at Wiley Security and Privacy (July 31, 2019): Our paper, “A Privacy-preserving Multi-factor Authentication System”, was accepted to appear in Wiley Security and Privacy. Congrats to Abbas Acar and the entire team. The paper is available here.
- Paper accepted at EAI SecureComm: Our paper “USB-Watch: A Dynamic Hardware-Assisted USB Threat Detection Framework” was accepted for publication at the 15th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks. Congratulations to Kyle, Leo Babun, and the rest of the team! The paper is available here.
- Manuscript accepted at IEEE S&P Magazine: Our manuscript “Verifying IoTSafety and Security in Physical Spaces” was accepted for publication at the IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine. Congratulations to our PhD student Leo Babun and the entire team! The paper is available here.
- Accepted Paper at ISC 2019 (June 8, 2019): Our paper, “An Analysis of Malware Trends in Enterprise Networks” was accepted for publication at the 22nd Information Security Conference (ISC 2019). Congrats to Abbas Acar and the entire team. This paper is available here.
- U.S. Patent Granted: Our patent, ” Method of Resource-Limited Device and Device Class Identification using System and Function Call Tracing Techniques, Performance,and Statistical Analysis” has been granted by the U.S. patent office, (U.S. Patent 10,027,697). Congrats to Leo Babun, Hidayet, and the entire team. Details of our patent can be found here.
- Summer Internship at Johns Hopkins APL: Our PhD candidate Leonardo Babun has accepted a Summer Internship position at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. Leonardo will be working as Senior Cybersecurity Researcher. Congratulations to Leo!
- Poster Presentation at WiSec 2019: Our poster ” Digital Forensics Framework for Smart Settings” was accepted for presentation at the 2019 Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Network. Congratulations to Leo Babun and the rest of the team!
- Poster Presentation at WiSec 2019: Our poster “Attacking HDMI Distribution Networks” was accepted for presentation at the 2019 Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Network (WiSec). Congratulations to Luis, Leo Babun, and the rest of the team!
- Poster Presentation at WiSec 2019: Our poster “Dynamically Detecting USB attacks in Hardware” was accepted for presentation at the 2019 Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Network (WiSec). Congratulations to Kyle, Leo Babun, and the rest of the team!
- Technical Presentation at eMerge America (April 29-30, 2019): CSL lab presented three cybersecurity projects, “Sensor hacking in smart devices”, “Smart home application analysis in real-time”, and “Sensor-assisted continuous authentication” in eMerge America Expo, 2019 as part of Florida International University. Congrats to Amit, Leo, Abbas, and the entire CSL team for presenting the work.
- Telemundo Noticias Coverage (March 12, 2019): Our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun explained the privacy risks of voice-enabled smart devices like Alexa at Noticias Telemundo (Spanish). Congrats Leo!
- Univision Channel Coverage (March 29, 2019): Our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun explained how smart devices can be used by attacker to steal our sensitive information and violate our privacy at Primer Impacto Univision Chanel (Spanish). Congrats Leo!
- Telemundo Noticias Coverage (March 12, 2019): Our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun explained the progress of the Internet in its first 30 years at Noticias Telemundo (Spanish). Congrats Leo!
- CSL lab congratulates Amit Kumar Sikder for successfully defending his Ph.D. proposal titled as “A Comprehensive Security Framework for Securing Sensors in Smart Devices and Applications.” (26 February 2019).
- The CSL lab congratulates our Ph.D. candidate Leonardo Babun for successfully defending his Ph.D. proposal “On-device Security and Privacy Mechanisms for Resource-limited Devices: A Bottom-Up Approach” (26 February 2019).
- Paper at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (January 16, 2019): Our paper, “A context-aware framework for detecting sensor-based threats on smart devices,” was accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC). Congrats to Amit, Hidayet, and the entire team. More information about this work is available here.
- Accepted Paper at ACM CODASPY 2019 (November 17, 2018): Our paper “Curie: Policy–based Secure Data Exchange” was accepted for the publication at the 9th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2019). Congrats to Berkay, Abbas, Hidayet, and the entire team. The paper is available here.
- Best Poster Award at Transforming Antennas Center workshop (September 12, 2018): Our PhD Student, Amit Kumar Sikder, received the best poster award at the Transforming Antennas Center Workshop at Florida International University. Congrats to Amit!
- CSL Lab Welcomes (August, 2018): Faraz Naseem as a new Master of Science student in Computer Engineering. Faraz previously completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in which he received the Presidential Scholarship (100%).
- Article published at the IEEE COMMAG: Our manuscript “Advertising in the IoT Era: Vision and Challenges” was accepted for publication at the IEEE Communications Magazine. Congratulations to Leo Babun, Hidayet, and the entire team. The article is available here.
- Technical Presentation at DHS: Our project “SaINT: Sensitive Information Tracking for IoT Applications” was presented at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Congratulations to Leo Babun and the entire team!
- Summer Internship at DHS: Our PhD student Leonardo Babun has accepted a Summer Internship position as a Cybersecurity Researcher at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Congratulations to Leo!
- U.S. Patent Granted: Our patent, “Detection of Counterfeit and Compromised Devices using System and Function Call Tracing Techniques” has been granted by U.S. patent office, (U.S. Patent 10,027,697). Congrats to Leo Babun, Hidayet, and the entire team. Details of our patent can be found here.
- Poster Presentation at CIA: Our poster “System-Level Framework to Detect Compromised Smart Grid Devices” was accepted for presentation at the 2018 Summer Symposium Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Congrats to Leo Babun!
- Paper accepted at IEEE ICC 2018: Our paper “Detection of Compromised Smart Grid Devices with Machine Learning and Convolution Techniques” was accepted for publication at the 2018 IEEE International Conference of Communications. Congrats to Cengiz and Leo Babun! The paper is available here.
- Paper at Usenix Security’18 (May 2, 2018): Our paper, “Sensitive Information Tracking in Commodity IoT” was accepted for publication at the 2018 USENIX Security Symposium, Maryland, USA. Congrats to Berkay, Leo, Amit, Hidayet and the entire team. More information about this work and its open-source code is available at here.
- Technical Presentation at eMerge Americas 2018: Our project “SaINT: Sensitive Information Tracking for IoT Applications” was presented at the 2018 eMerge Americas Expo. Congratulations to Leo Babun and the entire team!
- Technical Presentation at eMerge Americas 2018: Our project “6thsense: A context-aware sensor-based attack detector for smart devices” was presented at the 2018 eMerge Americas Expo. Congratulations to Amit Sikder and the entire team!
- TPC Invitation from ACM WiSec’18 (March 1, 2018): Dr. Uluagac has been invited to join the ACM 11th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks – WiSec 2018 Technical Program Committee.
- Best Demo Award at FICS Research Conference (March 1, 2018): Our PhD student, Leo Babun, received the best demo award at the Annual Research Conference at the University of Florida’s Florida Institute of Cybersecurity Research. Congrats to Leo!
- Best Poster Award at FICS Research Conference (March 1, 2018): Our PhD student, Enes Erdin, received the best poster award at the Annual Research Conference at the University of Florida’s Florida Institute of Cybersecurity Research. Congrats to Enes!
- Software Release: IoT Bench (February 27, 2018): We released our new software IoTBench, a micro-benchmark suite to assess the effectiveness of tools designed for IoT apps at IoT Bench and more information about IoT Bench is also available here.
- Software Release: SaINT (February 24, 2018): We released our new software called SaINT for sensitive information tracking and leakage tool for IoT applications. Please check our tool at SaINT and more information about the SaINT tool is available here.
- Paper at IEEE Transactions (February 8, 2018): Our paper, “Identification of Wearable Devices with Bluetooth,” was accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing.
- Invited Technical Talk and Demo: Our CSL team was invited to give a live presentation on attacking smart devices to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Cybersecurity Conference at Florida International University. Congrats to Leo Babun, Amit, and the rest of the team!
- Invited Panelist at NSF CPS PI Meeting (November 13, 2017): Dr. Uluagac gave an invited talk in a CPS Security Workshop – CPS Security & Privacy: From Theory to Practice: A Decade-Long Plan in the 2017 NSF Cyber-Physical Systems Principal Investigators’ Meeting.
- Invited Talk at University of Notre Dame (October 5, 2017): Dr. Uluagac gave an invited talk at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana on securing devices and applications in the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems era.
- Grant from NSF (August 15, 2017): Dr. Uluagac and his colleagues have been awarded a grant for $500,000 from the National Science Foundation for their project entitled “Privacy-aware Wearable-Assisted Continuous Authentication Framework.”
- Scholarship Award: Our Ph.D. student Leonardo Babun has been awarded with the National Science Foundation (NSF) CyberCorps Scholarship for Service. Congrats to Leo!
- Poster Presentation: System-Level Framework to Detect Compromised Smart Grid Devices
- Survey paper accepted at Springer HASS: Our manuscript “A Survey on Function and System Call Hooking Approaches” was published in the Springer Journal of Hardware and Systems Security. Congrats to Juan Lopez and our PhD student Leo Babun!. The article is available here.
- Student Travel Award, Usenix Security’17 (June 8, 2017): Our Ph.D. student, Amit Kumar Sikder, received student travel award at USENIX Security Symposium, 2017. Congrats to Amit!
- Paper at Usenix Security’17 (June 8, 2017): Our paper, “6thsense: A context-aware sensor-based attack detector for smart devices” was accepted for the 26th USENIX Security Symposium, Vancouver, Canada.
- Software Release (June 2, 2017): We released our new software Proviz, a cross-platform sensor development software suite for IoT devices – software is available at Proviz.
- Paper at IEEE ICC 2017 (May 24, 2017): Our paper “Identifying Counterfeit Smart Grid Devices: A Lightweight System Level Framework” was accepted for publication at the 2017 IEEE International Conference of Communications. Congratulations to our PhD student Leo Babun! The paper is available here.
- Invited Talk at University of Florida (April 4, 2017): Dr. Uluagac gave an invited talk at the University of Florida Florida Institute of National Security in Gainesville, FL on Sensory-Channels Threats in the IoT and CPS Era.
- TPC Invitation from ACM WiSec’17(March 9, 2017): Dr. Uluagac has been invited to join the ACM 10th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks – WiSec 2017 Technical Program Committee.
- Best Demo Award at FICS Research Conference (March 8, 2017): Our PhD student, Leo Babun, received the best demo award at the Annual Research Conference at the University of Florida’s Florida Institute of Cybersecurity Research Congrats to Leo!
- Invited Technical Talk at S4x17: Our Ph.D. student Leonardo Babun was invited to present his research work “A System-level Approach to Detecting Counterfeit Smart Grid Devices” at the ICS Security Conference S4x17, Miami, FL.
- Best Poster at DOE SEEDS Meeting(January 19, 2017): Our PhD student, Leo Babun, received the best poster award at the Department of Energy funded SEEDS Cybersecurity Center’s annual meeting. Congrats to Leo!
- Invited Technical Talk: Our Ph.D. student Leonardo Babun gave a technical talk entitled “A System-level Approach to Detect Counterfeit Smart Grid Devices” at the First Florida Security Workshop in Tampa, FL. Congrats to Leo!
- Grant from NSF(December 12, 2016): Dr. Uluagac and his colleagues have been awarded a grant for $2,037,000 from the National Science Foundation for their project entitled “SFS Unique Scholarship Program in Hardware and Systems Security.” This project will provide scholarship opportunities for FIU Students in cybersecurity.
- Channel 7 WSVN News Coverage(November 11, 2016): Prof. Uluagac explained how to guard your smart gadgets (e.g., smartwatches and smart phones) against hackers on TV for Channel 7 WSVN News.
- ASEE First Bell Coverage(August 23, 2016): Dr. Uluagac’s NBC Miami (Channel 6) News story on surveillance cameras was highligheted in ASEE’s newsletter, First Bell.
- NBC Miami News Coverage(August 18, 2016): Dr. Selcuk Uluagac explained the dangers of unsecured cameras and how surveillance camera systems at homes and businesses were being hacked into and broadcast live on the Internet for NBC Miami News (Channel 6).
- Poster Presentation at IEEE CNS: Our poster “A Framework for Compromised Smart Grid Device Detection” was accepted for presentation at the 2016 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security. Congrats to Leo Babun!
- Poster at Usenix Security’16 (August 1, 2016): Our poster, “WACA: Wearable-Assisted Continuous Authentication Framework with Motion Sensors” was accepted for the 25th USENIX Security Symposium (https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity16/poster-session), Austin, TX.
- Organizing CPS-Sec Workshop ’16 (April 20, 2016): Our Workshop proposal for the International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security (CPS-Sec) was accepted by the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). Check http://goo.gl/MLThJS for more information.
- Paper at IEEE IWCMC’16 (April 1, 2016): Our paper, ”Drones for Smart Cities: Issues in Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Public Safety,” was accepted by the IEEE International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) Smart Cities and Smart Mobility Platforms Symposium, Paphos, Cyprus, in September 2016.
- Invited Talk at USF (February 25, 2016): Dr. Uluagac gave an invited talk at University of South Florida in Boca Raton, FL, California on protecting against sensory-channels threats in the IoT and CPS era.
- Invited Panelist at UF (February 9, 2016): Dr. Uluagac gave an invited talk in a panel at University of Florida in Gainesville, FL, on protecting against sensory-channels threats in the IoT and CPS era.
- Invited Talk at FAU (January 23, 2016): Dr. Uluagac gave an invited talk at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL, California on protecting against sensory-channels threats in the IoT and CPS era.
- Paper at IEEE ICC’16 (* January 10, 2016*): Our paper, ”Software Defined Networking for Resilient Communications in Smart Grid Active Distribution Networks,” was accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Malaysia, May 2016.
- New Lab Member: The CSL family welcomes our new Ph.D. student Leonardo Babun. Welcome aboard Leo!
- Book Chapter in ICS Security Book (December 9, 2015): Our book chapter, “Wireless Communication in ICSs,” was accepted to appear in “Cyber Security Methods for Industrial Control and SCADA Systems”.
- Delivered a Tutorial at IEEE NFV-SDN Conference (November 21, 2015): Dr. Uluagac gave a tutorial at the IEEE International Conference on Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networks (SDN) Conference in San Francisco, California on “Secure Software Defined Networking for the Smart Grid Communication Infrastructure.”
- Invited Panelist at IEEE NFV-SDN Conference (November 19, 2015): Dr. Uluagac gave a talk in a panel on exploring new directions in NFV and the role of research at the IEEE International Conference on Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networks (SDN) Conference in San Francisco, California.
- Invited Talk at Ericsson Research (November 17, 2015): Dr. Uluagac gave an invited talk at Ericsson Research in San Jose, California on the security of Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things.
- Invited Panelist at IEEE SmartGridComm Conference (November 2, 2015): Dr. Uluagac gave a talk about “Securing Smart City Infrastructure” in a panel at the IEEE SmartGridComm Conference Workshop on Smart Cities Enabled by SmartGridComms, Challenges and Opportunities from a Grid Modernization Perspective in Miami, FL.
- Paper at IEEE CCNC’16 (November 1, 2015): Our paper, ”A Novel Storage Covert Channel on Wearable Devices Using Status Bar Notifications,” was accepted by the IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) Conference in Las Vegas, NV in January 2016. Congrats to Kyle Denney, our REU student for his achievement.
- Paper at IEEE CCNC’16 (November 1, 2015): Our paper, ”A Reliable Data Aggregation Mechanism with Homomorphic Encryption in Smart Grid AMI Networks,” was accepted by the IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) Conference, in Las Vegas, NV in January 2016.
- Grant from DOE (October 28, 2015): Dr. Uluagac, his FIU and other colleagues from University of Arkansas Fayetteville, University of Arkansas Little Rock, Lehigh University, and Carnegie Mellon University have been awarded a major grant (amount: $15,290,588) from the US Department of Energy for their project titled “DoE Cybersecurity Center for Secure, Evolvable Energy Delivery Systems (SEEDS).”
- Invited Talk at ICF International (October 15, 2015): Dr. Uluagac gave an invited talk at ICF International on “Protecting Against Sensory-Channels Threats in Cyber-Physical Systems,” at International CyberSci Summit 2015 in Fairfax, VA.
- Book Chapter in IoT Security Book (October 1, 2015): Our book chapter, “Privacy-preservation for IoT in Smart Buildings,” was accepted to appear in “Security and Privacy in Internet of Things (IoT): Models, Algorithms, and Implementations” book.
- Demo at IEEE NFV-SDN’15 (September 15, 2015): Our demo, “SDN-based Resilience for Smart Grid Communications was accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks, San Francisco, CA in November 2015.
- Demo at IEEE LCN’15 (September 5, 2015): Our demo, ”A Novel Storage Covert Channel on Wearable Devices Using Status Bar Notifications,” was accepted by the IEEE LCN 2014 Conference in October 2015.
- Paper at IEEE WLN Workshop’15 (September 3, 2015): Our paper, “Software Defined Networking for Wireless Local Networks in Smart Grid,” was accepted by the 15th Annual IEEE Workshop on Wireless Local Networks 2015, Clearwater Beach, FL in October 2015.
- Book Chapter in Smart Grid Book (September 1, 2015): Our book chapter, “Secure Software Defined Networking Architectures for The Smart Grid,” was accepted to appear in “Smart Grid: Networking, Data Management and Business Models” book.
- Seminar Talk at AFRL (July 21, 2015): Dr. Uluagac gave a seminar talk on “Securing Aerial Layer Networks with SDN,” at the SDN Tech Exchange: SDN Opportunities for Aerial Layer Networks at Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) in Rome, NY.
- Invited Talk at AFRL (July 20, 2015): Dr. Uluagac gave an invited talk on fingeprinting wireless devices at Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) in Rome, NY.
- Invited Panelist at NATO Cybersecurity Workshop(June 16, 2015): Dr. Uluagac gave a talk about “Sensory Channel Threats to Military CPS and IoT Assets” at a panel at the NATO Information Systems Technology (IST)-128 Workshop on Cyber Attack Detection, Forensics and Attribution for Assessment of Mission Impact in Istanbul, Turkey.
- Invitation to Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications Editorial Team(July 6, 2015): Prof. Uluagac has been invited to join the Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA) editorial team.
- Paper at IEEE GLOBECOM’15(July 2, 2015): Our paper, ”Information Leakage in Encrypted IP Video Traffic,” was accepted by the IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 Conference, December 2015.
- Invitation to IEEE Communications and Surveys and Tutorials Editorial Team(June 24, 2015): Prof. Uluagac has been invited to join the IEEE Communications and Surveys and Tutorials editorial team.
- The NSF CAREER Award(May 07, 2015): Prof. Uluagac has received a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for his proposal “CAREER: Securing Sensory Side-Channels in Cyber-Physical Systems.” The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a NSF-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations.
- The US Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship(March 22, 2015): Dr. Uluagac was selected to receive fellowship from the Air Force Office of Sponsored Research (AFOSR)’s Summer Faculty Fellowship Program for Summer 2015.
- FIU McNair Undergraduate Summer Research Award(March 6, 2015): Michael Cash, my undergraduate mentee, has been selected to receive the FIU Ronald E. McNair Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
- TPC Invitation from IEEE SmartGridComm’15(April 1, 2015): Dr. Uluagac has been invited to join the IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) 2015 Cyber Security and Privacy Symposium Technical Program Committee.
- Local Chair Invitation from IEEE SmartGridComm’15(February 15, 2015): Dr. Uluagac has been invited to join the IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) 2015 Organizing Committee as the local arrangements chair.
- PhD, Postdoc, and Visiting Opportunities(January 23, 2015): Applications are invited for two PhD student and one Postdoctoral researcher positions, available in the Cyber-Physical Systems Security Lab (CSL) within the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Florida International University in Miami, Florida, USA. The positions are available immediately once the suitable candidates pass the application requirements of FIU. The FIU application deadline for Fall 2015 is February 15, 2015 and for more information about the application to the graduate program at FIU, click here. Areas of interest include the security of Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, critical Infrastructure networks (e.g., smart-grid), and security of wireless and mobile devices. More information about the opportunity is available at this link.
- TPC Invitation from IEEE CNS’15(January 23, 2015): Dr. Uluagac has been invited to join the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2015 Technical Program Committee.
- TPC Invitation from IEEE CNS’15(January 23, 2015): Dr. Uluagac has been invited to join the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2015 Technical Program Committee.
- Grant from NSF(January 12, 2015): Drs. Uluagac and Akkaya have been awarded a grant for $356,000 from the National Science Foundation for their project entitled “REU Site: Security of Smart Things: From Small Devices to Large Infrastructures.”
- Paper at IEEE ICC’15(January 9, 2015): Our paper, “InterSec: An Interaction System for Network Security Applications” was accepted by the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium.
- Attending the NSF SaTC PI Meeting(January 4, 2015): Dr. Uluagac will attend the NSF’s SaTC PI Meeting in DC between January 5-7, 2015 in DC.
- PhD, Postdoc, and Visiting Opportunities (January 25, 2014): Applications are invited for two PhD student and one Postdoctoral researcher positions, available in the Cyber-Physical Systems Security Lab (CSL) within the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Florida International University in Miami, Florida, USA. The positions are available immediately once the suitable candidates pass the application requirements of FIU. The FIU application deadline for Fall 2015 is February 15, 2015 and for more information about the application to the graduate program at FIU, click here. Areas of interest include the security of Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, critical Infrastructure networks (e.g., smart-grid), and security of wireless and mobile devices. More information about the opportunity is available at this link.
- TPC Invitation from IEEE CNS’15 (January 23, 2014): Dr. Uluagac has been invited to join the the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2015 Technical Program Committee.
- Grant from NSF (January 12, 2015): Drs. Uluagac and Akkaya have been awarded a grant for $356,000 from the National Science Foundation for their project entitled “REU Site: Security of Smart Things: From Small Devices to Large Infrastructures.”
- Paper at IEEE ICC’15 (January 9, 2015): Our paper, “InterSec: An Interaction System for Network Security Applications” was accepted by the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium.
- Attending the NSF SaTC PI Meeting (January 4, 2015): Dr. Uluagac will attend the NSF’s SaTC PI Meeting in DC between January 5-7, 2015 in DC.
- Attending the ARL Open Campus Open House (December 3, 2014): Dr. Uluagac will attend the ARL’s Open Campus Open House between December 9-10, 2014 in MD.
- New Class in CPS and IoT Security (December 1, 2014): Dr. Uluagac will offer a new class in Security of Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things in Spring 2015 (EEL 5994/4994). FIU students can register for the class via MyFIU.
- Invited Talk at NTT Docomo Innovations Lab (October 30, 2014): Dr. Uluagac gave an invited talk at NTT Docomo Innovations in Palo Alto, California on the security of Cyber-Physical Systems.
- Outstanding Reviewer from Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks (October 23, 2014): Dr. Uluagac was recognized as an outstanding reviewer based on his contributions to Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal.
- Immediate Student Research Opportunities (October, 2014): We have several interesting projects in the areas of cybersecurity and networking and are looking for motivated students with strong technical backgrounds and interests in these areas. If you are currently an FIU student or have been accepted to study at FIU, please send me an email with your resume as there is a possibility to do one (or more) semester’s special study within our group. If not, please apply to our program.
- Paper in IEEE TDSC Journal (September 26, 2014): Our paper, “GTID: A Technique for Physical Device and Device Type Fingerprinting” was accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) Journal.
- Poster at IEEE CNS’14 (August 7, 2014): Our poster, “A Multi-factor Re-authentication Framework with User Privacy,” was accepted by the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 2014.
- Demo at IEEE LCN’14 (July 21, 2014): Our demo, ”Cryptographically-Curated File System (CCFS): Secure, Inter-operable, and Easily Implementable Information-Centric Networking,” was accepted by the IEEE LCN 2014 Conference, September 2014.
- Paper at IEEE GLOBECOM’14 (July 1, 2014): Our paper, ”Efficient Safety Message Forwarding using Multi-Channels in Low Density VANETs,” was accepted by the IEEE GLOBECOM 2013 Conference, December 2014.
- Paper at IEEE CNS’14 (June 14, 2014): Our paper, “Sensory Channel Threats to Cyber Physical Systems: A Wake-up Call,” was accepted by the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 2014.
- Crawdad Data Available (June 10, 2014): Our Device Fingerprinting work’s data is available through CRAWDAD.
- Paper at IEEE LCN’14(May 30, 2014): Our paper, “Cryptographically-Curated File System (CCFS): Secure, Inter-operable, and Easily Implementable Information-Centric Networking” was accepted for the IEEE LCN 2014 Conference, September 2014.
- Appreciation for Outstanding Service (May 28, 2014): Dr. Uluagac was recognized with a certificate of appreciation for outstanding service as chair of the International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security (CPS-Sec) by the chair of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS).
- TPC Chair Invitation from IEEE CCNC’15 (May 1, 2014): Dr. Uluagac has been invited to chair the Security, Privacy, and Content Protection Track of the 12th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), January 2015.
- Final Program of CPS-Sec Workshop ’14 (April 28, 2014): The program of the International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security (CPS-Sec) program is finalized and available at www.cps-security.org.
- Paper at IEEE DSN’14 (February 22, 2014): Our paper, “S-MATCH: Verifiable Privacy-preserving Profile Matching for Mobile Social Services” was accepted by the 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2014), June 2014.
- 2 Papers at IEEE INFOCOM Workshop (February 8, 2014): Our papers, “MACA: A Privacy-Preserving Multi-factor Cloud Authentication System Utilizing Big Data” and “Active Deception Model for Securing Cloud Infrastructure” were accepted by the IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data, April 2014.
- Invited to the NSF Aspiring PI Meeting (February 3, 2014): Dr. Uluagac has been invited to attend the NSF Workshop for Aspiring PIs in Cyber-Physical Systems between February 18-19, 2014 in D.C.
- TPC Invitation from IEEE CNS’14 (January 23, 2014): Dr. Uluagac has been invited to join the the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2014 Technical Program Committee.
- Organizing CPS-Sec Workshop ’14 (January 3, 2014): Our Workshop proposal for the International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security (CPS-Sec) was accepted by the IEEE DCOSS conference. Check www.cps-security.org for more information.
- Senior Research Engineer (September 4, 2013): Dr. Selcuk Uluagac has been promoted to the role of Senior Research Engineer in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
- Grant from NSF (August 29, 2013): Drs. Uluagac and Beyah have been awarded a grant for $500,000 from the National Science Foundation.
- Poster at IEEE CNS’13 (August 25, 2013): Our poster, “S-Match: An Efficient Privacy-preserving Profile Matching Scheme” was accepted by the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 2013.
- Paper at ACM VizSec’13 (August 24, 2013): Our paper, “NAVSEC: A Recommender System for 3D Network Security” was accepted by the ACM Visualization for Cyber Security Workshop (VizSec), October 2013.
- Paper at IEEE GLOBECOM’13 (July 1, 2013): Our paper, “Realizing an 802.11-based Covert Timing Channel Using Off-The-Shelf Wireless Cards” was accepted by the IEEE GLOBECOM 2013 Conference, December 2013.
- Paper at IEEE CNS’13 (June 15, 2013): Our paper, “A Passive Technique for Fingerprinting Wireless Devices with Wired-side Observations” was accepted by the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 2013.
- TPC Invitation from ACSAC’13 (June 5, 2013): Dr. Selcuk Uluagac has been invited to join the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2013 Technical Program Committee.
- Ga Tech The School of ECE Outstanding Researcher Award (April 16, 2013): Penyen Chi, my senior level undergraduate mentee, received The School of ECE Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award for Spring 2013.
- Ga Tech College of Engineering Outstanding Researcher Award (March 25, 2013): Penyen Chi, my senior level undergraduate mentee, received Ga Tech College of Engineering Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award for Spring 2013.
- Invited Talk at CSIS of GMU (February 18, 2013): Dr. Selcuk Uluagac gave an invited talk in the Center for Secure Information Systems at George Mason University on “GTID: A Technique for Physical Device and Device Type Fingerprinting.”
- Paper at IEEE ICC’13 (January 27, 2013): Our paper, “Examining the Characteristics and Implications of Sensor Side Channels” was accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, June 2013.
- Paper at IEEE ICC’13 (January 27, 2013): Our paper, “P3D: A Parallel 3D Coordinate Visualization for Advanced Network Scans” was accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, June 2013.
- Attending the NSF SaTC Program PI Meeting (November 27-29, 2012): Dr. Uluagac will attend the NSF’s Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Program PI meeting between November 27-29, 2012 in D.C.
- Ga Tech President’s Research Award (November 6, 2012): Penyen Chi, my senior level undergraduate mentee, received Ga Tech President’s Undergraduate Research Award (PURA) for Spring 2013.
- Invited Talk at GWU (October 10, 2012): Dr. Selcuk Uluagac gave an invited talk in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at George Washington University on “GTID: A Technique for Physical Device and Device Type Fingerprinting.”
- Paper in ACM TONS Journal (September 14, 2012): Our paper, “Cell-based Snapshot and Continuous Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks” was accepted for publication in the ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) Journal.
- Best Presentation at GT SURE’12 (August 6, 2012): Our GT SURE summer undergraduate research student, Jose Acevedo (from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez), received the GT SURE summer research best presentation award (out of 35 students).
- Paper at IEEE Mass’12 (July 17, 2012): Our paper, “The Monitoring Core (M-Core): A Modular Architecture for Rapid Sensor App Development” was accepted for the IEEE MASS 2012 Conference, October 2012.
- Poster at Usenix Security’12 (July 12, 2012): Our poster, “A DCF-Based Covert Timing Channel for IEEE 802.11 With Off-The-Shelf Wireless Cards” was accepted for the 21st USENIX Security Symposium, August 2012.
- Paper at IEEE LCN’12 (July 10, 2012): Our paper, “Plugging the Leaks without Unplugging your Network in the Midst of Disaster” was accepted for the IEEE LCN 2012 Conference, October 2012.
- Paper at IEEE LCN’12 (July 10, 2012): Our paper, “3DSVAT” was accepted for the IEEE LCN 2012 Conference, October 2012.
- Paper at IEEE GLOBECOM’12 (July 1, 2012): Our paper, “Secure Distribution of Images for Wireless Sensor Networks” was accepted for the IEEE GLOBECOM 2012 Conference, December 2012.
- Paper in IEEE TPDS Journal (May 26, 2012): Our paper, “Secure SOurce-BAsed Loose Synchronization (SOBAS) for Wireless Sensor Networks.” was accepted for publication in the Journal of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
- IEEE Senior Membership(April 2, 2012): Dr. Selcuk Uluagac has been elevated to Senior Member grade in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
- TPC Invitation from ACSAC’12 (March 8, 2012): Dr. Selcuk Uluagac has been invited to join the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2012 Technical Program Committee.
- Paper in IEEE INCOFOM’12 (November 17, 2011): Our paper, “Di-Sec: A Distributed Security Framework for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks” was accepted for the IEEE INFOCOM 2012 Conference, March 2012.
- Invited Talk at UTC (November 15, 2011): Dr. Selcuk Uluagac gave an invited talk in the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering on “Di-Sec: A Distributed Security Framework forHeterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”
- Poster at ACSAC’11 (September 17, 2011): Our poster, “The Monitoring Core (M-Core): Toward Fully Securing Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks” was accepted for presentation at the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), December 2011.
- Demo at ECE Rush(September 2, 2011): The CAP Group participated at the 2011 ECE Rush at The School of ECE, Ga Tech, where they introduced some of their research and projects.
- Demo at MobiCom’11 (August 17, 2011): Our demo, “Di-Sec: A Distributed Security Framework for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks” was accepted for presentation in the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), September 2011.