- Refereed Journal and Magazine Articles
- Refereed Book Chapters
- Refereed Conference Papers
- Refereed Demos and Posters
- Media Coverage
Note: The material on this website is provided only for educational purposes.
Refereed Journal and Magazine Articles:
- Nazli Tekin, Ahmet Aris, and Selcuk Uluagac, “Energy Consumption of On-Device Machine Learning Models for IoT Intrusion Detection,” Elsevier Internet of Things, January 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]
- Yassine Mekdad, Ahmet Aris, Leonardo Babun, Abdeslam El Fergougui, Mauro Conti, Riccardo Lazzeretti, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A Survey on Security and Privacy Issues of UAVs,” in Elsevier Computer Networks Journal, February 2023, [pdf] [bibtex]
- Harun Oz, Ahmet Aris, Albert Levi, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A Survey on Ransomware: Evolution, Taxonomy, and Defense Solutions,” in ACM Computing Surveys, January 2022, [pdf] [bibtex]
- Luis Puche Rondon, Leonardo Babun, Ahmet Aris, K. Akkaya, Selcuk Uluagac, “LGuard: Securing Enterprise-IoT Systems against Serial-based Attacks via Proprietary Communication Buses,” in ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice Journal [pdf] [bibtex]
- Luis Puche Rondon, Leonardo Babun, Ahmet Aris, K. Akkaya, Selcuk Uluagac, “Ivycide: Smart Intrusion Detection System against E-IoT Driver Threats,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022 [pdf] [bibtex]
- A. Acar, Koray Karabina, Shokat Ali, Cengiz Kaygusuz, H. Aksu, K. Akkaya, Selcuk Uluagac, “A Lightweight Privacy-aware Continuous Authentication Protocol – PACA,” in ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security Journal, 2021, [pdf] [bibtex]
- Luis Puche, Ahmet Aris, Leonardo Babun, K. Akkaya, A. Selcuk Uluagac, “Survey on Enterprise Internet-of-Things Systems (E-IoT): A Security Perspective,” in Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]
- Amit Kumar Sikder, Leonardo Babun, A. Selcuk Uluagac, “Aegis+: A Context-aware Security Framework for Smart Home Systems,” in ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice Journal, 2021, [pdf] [bibtex]
- Leonardo Babun, H. Aksu, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “CPS Device-class Identification via Behavioral Fingerprinting: From Theory to Practice,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security Journal, 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]
- Amit Sikder, Leonardo Babun, B. Celik, H. AKSU, Patrick McDaniel, E. Kirda, Selcuk Uluagac, “Who’s Controlling My Device? Multi-User Multi-Device-Aware Access Control System for Shared Smart Home Environment,” ACM Transactions on Internet of Things Journal, 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]
- Javier Franco, Ahmet Aris, Berk Canberk, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, ” Survey of Honeypots and Honeynets for Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things, and Cyber-Physical Systems,” in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials Journal, 2021 [pdf] [bibtex]
- Amit Kumar Sikder, Guiseppe Petraca, H. Aksu, Trent Jaeger, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A Survey on Sensor-based Threats and Attacks to Smart Devices and Applications,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials Journal, 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]
- Luis Puche, Leonardo Babun,K. Akkaya, Selcuk Uluagac, “HDMI-Watch: Smart Intrusion Detection System Against HDMI Attacks” in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]
- Leonardo Babun, Kyle Denney, Z. Berkay Celik, H. Aksu, Patrick McDaniel, A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A Survey of Security in IoT Programming Platforms,” in Elsevier Computer Networks, 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]
- A. Kurt, N. Saputro, K. Akkaya, and A. S. Uluagac, “Distributed connectivity maintenance in a swarm of drones during post-disaster transportation applications,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]
- AKM Iqtidar Newaz, A. K. Sikder, A. S. Uluagac, “A Survey on Security and Privacy Issues in Modern Healthcare Systems: Attacks and Defenses,” in ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare Journal, 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]
- E. Erdin, Mumin Cebe, K. Akkaya, E. Bulut, Selcuk Uluagac, “A Scalable Private Bitcoin Payment Channel Network with Privacy Guarantees, ” Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2021 [pdf] [bibtex]
- Leonardo Babun, Kyle Denney, Z. Berkay Celik, Patrick McDaniel, A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A survey on IoT platforms: Communication, security, and privacy perspectives” Computer Networks, Volume 192, 2021 [pdf] [bibtex]
- S. Mercan, Lisa Cain, K. Akkaya, M. Cebe, Selcuk Uluagac, Miguel Alonso, Cihan Cobanoglu, “Improving the Service Industry with Hyper-connectivity: IoT in Hospitality,” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021 [pdf] [bibtex]
- Oscar Bautista, K. Akkaya, A. Selcuk Uluagac, “Customized novel routing metrics for wireless mesh-based swarm-of-drones applications, ” in Elsevier Internet of Things Journal, Volume 11, 2020, 100265, ISSN 2542-6605, [pdf] [bibtex]
- K. Denney, L. Babun, and A. S. Uluagac, “USB-Watch: A Generalized Hardware-Assisted Insider Threat Detection Framework”, in Springer Journal of Hardware and Systems Security, June 2020. [pdf] [bibtex]
- E. Erdin, M. Cebe, K. Akkaya, S. Solak, E. Bulut, and S. Uluagac, “A Bitcoin payment network with reduced transaction fees and confirmation times,” Computer Networks, vol. 172, p. 107098, May 2020. [pdf] [bibtex]
- A. Acar, H. Aksu, K. Akkaya, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A Usable and Robust Continuous Authentication Framework using Wearables,” in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Journal, February 2020. [pdf] [bibtex]
- Z. B. Celik, P. McDaniel, G. Tan, L. Babun and A. S. Uluagac, “Verifying Internet of Things Safety and Security in Physical Spaces,” in IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 30-37, Sept.-Oct. 2019. [pdf] [bibtex]
- Leonardo Babun, H. Aksu, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A System-level Behavioral Detection Framework for Compromised CPS Devices: Smart-Grid Case,” in ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, September 2019 [pdf] [bibtex]
- Amit Kumar Sikder, H. Aksu, and A. Selcuk Uluagac,” A Context-aware Framework for Detecting Sensor-based Threats on Smart Devices,” in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Journal, January 2019. [pdf] [bibtex]
- A. Acar, Wenyi Liu, A. Selcuk Uluagac, and Raheem Beyah, “A privacy-preserving multifactor authentication system,” Wiley Security and Privacy Journal, August 2019. [pdf] [bibtex]
- A. Aydeger, Nico Saputro, H. Aksu, A. Selcuk Uluagac, K. Akkaya, “SDN-Enabled Recovery for Smart Grid Teleprotection Applications in Post-disaster Scenarios,” Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), Volume 138, Pages 39-50, 15 July 2019, IF: 5.2 [pdf] [bibtex]
- H. Aksu, A. S. Uluagac, and E. Bentley, “Identification of wearable devices with bluetooth,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, pp. 1–1, February 2018. [pdf] [bibtex]
- H. Aksu, L. Babun, M. Conti, G. Tolomei, and A. S. Uluagac, “Advertising in the IoT era: Vision and challenges,” IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 1–7, April 2018. [pdf] [bibtex]
- A. Acar, H. Aksu, A. S. Uluagac, and M. Conti, “A survey on homomorphic encryption schemes: Theory and implementation,” ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 79:1–79:35, Jul. 2018. [pdf] [bibtex]
- M. Cebe, E. Erdin, A. Selcuk Uluagac, and K. Akkaya, “Block4Forensic: An Integrated Lightweight Blockchain Framework for Forensics Applications of Connected Vehicles,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, January 2018. [pdf] [bibtex]
- Juan Lopez, Leonardo Babun, H. Aksu, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A Survey on Function and System Call Hooking Approaches,” Springer Journal of Hardware and Systems Security, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp 114-136, June 2017.[pdf] [bibtex]
- H. Menouar, I. Guvenc, K. Akkaya, A. S. Uluagac, A. Kadri, and A. Tuncer, “Uav-enabled intelligent transportation systems for the smart city: Applications and challenges,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 22–28, March 2017. [pdf] [bibtex]
- S. Tonyali, K. Akkaya, N. Saputro, A. S. Uluagac, and M. Nojoumian, “”privacy-preserving protocols for secure and reliable data aggregation in iot-enabled smart metering systems,” Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 547–557, January 2018. [pdf] [bibtex]
- M. H. Cintuglu, O. A. Mohammed, K. Akkaya, and A. S. Uluagac, “A survey on smart grid cyber-physical system testbeds,” IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 446–464, 1st quarter 2017. [pdf] [bibtex]
- S. Ravichandran, R. K. Chandrasekar, A. S. Uluagac, and R. Beyah, “A simple visualization and programming framework for wireless sensor networks: Proviz,” Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, vol. 53, pp. 1 – 16, 2016, IF: 3.151 [pdf] [bibtex]
- G. Chen, J. H. Cox, A. S. Uluagac, and J. A. Copeland, “In-depth survey of digital advertising technologies,” IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 2124–2148, 3rd quarter 2016, IF: 20.230 [pdf] [bibtex]
- S. V. Radhakrishnan, A. S. Uluagac, and R. Beyah, “Gtid: A technique for physical device and device type fingerprinting,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 519– 532, Sept 2015. [pdf] [bibtex]
- S. Ji, J. S. He, A. S. Uluagac, R. Beyah, and Y. Li, “Cell-based snapshot and continuous data collection in wireless sensor networks,” ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 47:1–47:29, Jul. 2013, [pdf] [bibtex]
- S. Ji, A. S. Uluagac, R. Beyah, and Z. Cai, “Practical unicast and convergecast scheduling schemes for cognitive radio networks,” Springer Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 161– 177, Jul. 2013, [pdf] [bibtex]
- A. S. Uluagac, R. A. Beyah, and J. A. Copeland, “Secure source-based loose synchronization (sobas) for wireless sensor networks,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 803–813, April 2013. [pdf] [bibtex]
- C. P. Lee, A. S. Uluagac, K. D. Fairbanks, and J. A. Copeland, “The design of netseclab: A small competition-based network security lab,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 149–155, Feb 2011. [pdf] [bibtex]
- S. Uluagac, R. A. Beyah, Y. Li, and J. A. Copeland, “Vebek: Virtual energy-based encryption and keying for wireless sensor networks,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 994– 1007, July 2010, IF: 4.098 [pdf] [bibtex]
Refereed Book Chapters:
- Saputro, N., Tonyali, S., Aydeger, A., Akkaya, K., Rahman, M.A. and Uluagac, S. (2020). A Review of Moving Target Defense Mechanisms for Internet of Things Applications. In Modeling and Design of Secure Internet of Things (eds C.A. Kamhoua, L.L. Njilla, A. Kott and S. Shetty). https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119593386.ch24 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Denney K., Uluagac A.S., Aksu H., Akkaya K. (2018) An Android-Based Covert Channel Framework on Wearables Using Status Bar Notifications. In: Conti M., Somani G., Poovendran R. (eds) Versatile Cybersecurity. Advances in Information Security, vol 72. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-97643-3_1 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. Selcuk Uluagac, Kemal Akkaya, Apurva Mohan, Hazar Cintuglu, Tarek Youssef, Osama Mohammed, Daniel Sullivan “Wireless Infrastructure in Industrial Control Systems,” Book Chapter in Cyber Security Methods for Industrial Control and SCADA Systems, Edited by Ed Colbert and Alex Kott, Springer, vol: 66, Pages 29-49, September 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-32125-7, [pdf], [bibtex].
- Nico Saputro, Ali Yurekli, Kemal Akkaya, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “Privacy-preservation for IoT in Smart Buildings,” Book Chapter in Security and Privacy in Internet of Things (IoT): Models, Algorithms, and Implementations, edited by Fie Hu, Pages 135–166, April 1, 2016, CRC Press, ISBN 9781498723183, [pdf], [bibtex].
- Kemal Akkaya, A. Selcuk Uluagac, Abdullah Aydeger, and Apurva Mohan, “Secure Software Defined Networking Architectures for The Smart Grid,” Book Chapter in Smart Grid: Networking, Data Management, and Business Models, edited by Hussein Mouftah and Melike Erol Kantarci, Pages 53–70, April 1, 2016, CRC Press, ISBN 9781498719704, [pdf], [bibtex].
Refereed Conference Papers:
- Harun Oz, Ahmet Aris, Abbas Acar, Güliz Seray Tuncay, Leonardo Babun, Selcuk Uluagac, “RøB: Ransomware over Modern web browsers” in Proc. of the 32nd USENIX Security Symposium, Anaheim, CA, August 2023.
- Nur Imtiazul Haque, Maurice Ngouen, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Selcuk Uluagac, Laurent Njilla, “SHATTER: Control and Defense-Aware Attack Analytics for Activity-Driven Smart Home Systems,” The 53rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Network (IEEE DSN), Porto, Portugal, June 27-30, 2023 Best Paper Award.
- Javier R. Franco, Abbas Acar, Ahmet Aris, Selcuk Uluagac, “Forensic Analysis of Cryptojacking in Host-based Docker Containers Using Honeypots,” 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Next-Generation Networking and Internet Symposium, Rome, Italy, June 2023
- Ege Tekiner, Abbas Acar, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A Lightweight IoT Cryptojacking Detection Mechanism in Heterogeneous Smart Home Networks,” Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), April 2022. [pdf], [bibtex].
- Leonardo Babun, Amit Sikder, Abbas Acar, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “The Truth Shall Set Thee Free: Enabling Practical Forensic Capabilities in Smart Environments,” Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), April 2022 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Shrenik Bhansali, Harun Oz, Ahmet Aris, Abbas Acar, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A First Look at Code Obfuscation for WebAssembly,” In Proc. of the 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec), San Antonio, TX, May 2022 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Javier R Franco, Ahmet Aris, Leonardo Babun, and Selcuk Uluagac, “S-Pot: A Smart Honeypot Framework with Dynamic Rule Configuration for SDN,” in IEEE Globecom 20222, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil”, December 2022 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Akm Iqtidar Newaz, Ahmet Aris, Amit Kumar Sikder, and Selcuk Uluagac, “Systematic Threat Analysis of Modern Unified Healthcare Communication Systems,” in IEEE Globecom 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil”, December 2022 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Luis Puche, Daniel Ortiz, Ahmet Aris, Mark Finlayson, Monique Ross, Selcuk Uluagac, “Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Cybersecurity Curriculum: A New Perspective,” in Proc. of the Ameri- can Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference of Composition and Exhibition, Computers in Education Division (CoED), Minneapolis, MN, June 2022 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Alvi Ataur Khalil, Javier Franco, Imtiaz Parvez, A. Selcuk Uluagac, Shahriar Hossain and Mohammad Rahman, “A Literature Review on Blockchain-enabled Security and Operation of Cyber-Physical Systems,” in IEEE Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC), STPSA 2022: Security, Trust, and Privacy for Software Applications Workshop, 2022 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Leonardo Babun, Berkay Celik, H. Aksu, Patrick McDaniel, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “Real-time Analysis of Privacy-(un)aware IoT Applications,” in Proc. of Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), 2021 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Ege Tekiner, Abbas Acar, Engin Kirda, A. A. Selcuk, A. Selcuk Uluagac, “In-Browser Cryptomining for Good: An Untold Story,” in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS), August 2021 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Luis C. Puche Rondon, Leonardo Babun, Ahmet Aris, K. Akkaya, Selcuk Uluagac, “LightningStrike: (In)secure Practices of E-IoT Systems in the Wild,” In Proc. of the 14th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec), Abu Dhabi, UAE, June 2021 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Ege Tekiner, A. Acar, A. Selcuk Uluagac, Engin Kirda, and Ali Aydin Selcuk, “SoK: Cyrptojacking Malware,” IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE EuroSP 2021), September 7- 11, 2021. [pdf], [bibtex].
- Faraz Naseem, Ahmet Aris, Leonardo Babun, Ege Tekiner, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “MINOS: A Lightweight Real-Time Cryptojacking Detection System,” Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2021. [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. Cosson, A. K. Sikder, L. Babun, Z. B. Celik, P. McDaniel, and S. Uluagac, “Sentinel: A robust in- trusion detection system for iot networks using kernel-level system information,” in In 6th ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), April 2021 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Luis Puche Rondon, Leonardo Babun, K. Akkaya, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “POISONIVY: Attacking High-End Smart Systems via Malicious Drivers, ” in Proc. of ACM BuildSys 2020 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. Kurt, M. Cebe, E. Erdin, K. Akkaya, Selcuk Uluagac, “LNBot: A Covert Hybrid Botnet on Bitcoin- Lightning Network for Fun and Profit,” in the 25th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), UK, September 2020 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Akm Iqtidar Newaz, Nur Imtiazul Haque, Amit Kumar Sikder, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “Adversarial Attacks to Machine Learning-Based Smart Healthcare Systems,” in IEEE Globecom 2020 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. Acar, Tigist Abera, Hossein Fereidooni, Markus Miettinen, H. Aksu, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, M. Conti, A. Selcuk Uluagac ” Peek-a-Boo: I see your smart home activities, even encrypted!,” In Proc. of the 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec), Austria, July 2020, (Citation count: 252 as of 04/23) [pdf], [bibtex].
- Amit Sikder, A. Acar, Z. Berkay Celik, H. Aksu, A. Selcuk Uluagac, Patrick McDaniel, and Engin Kirda, “Multi-User Multi-Device Access Control in IoT-enabled Smart Home,” In Proc. of the 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec), Austria, July 2020 [pdf], [bibtex].
- AKM Iqtidar Newaz, A. K. Sikder, L. Babun, and A. S. Uluagac, “HEKA: A Novel Intrusion Detection System for Attacks to Personal Medical Devices”, In Proc. of IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), France, June 2020 [pdf], [bibtex].
- L. Babun, H. Aksu, L. Ryan, E. Bentley, K. Akkaya, and A. S. Uluagac, “Z-IoT: Passive Device-class Fingerprinting of Zigbee and Z-wave IoT Devices”, In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2020, Dublin, Ireland [pdf], [bibtex].
- Suat Mercan, Mumin Cebe, Ege Tekiner, K. Akkaya, Melissa Chang, Selcuk Uluagac, “A Cost-efficient IoT Forensics Framework with Blockchain,” In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), Toronto, Canada. [pdf], [bibtex].
- Amit Kumar Sikder, H. Aksu, A. Selcuk Uluagac, “AEGIS: A Context-aware Security Framework for Smart Home Systems,” In Proc. of 2019 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), December 2019, Puerto Rico [pdf], [bibtex].
- L. Puche Rondon, L. Babun, K. Akkaya, and S. Uluagac, “HDMI-Walk: attacking HDMI distribution networks via consumer electronic control protocol,” in In Proc. 2019 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Porto Rico, Dec. 2019 [pdf], [bibtex].
- AKM Iqtidar Newaz, Amit Kumar Sikder, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, and A. Selcuk Uluagac. “Healthguard: A machine learning-based security framework for smart healthcare systems,” In 6th IEEE International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS), Spain, October, 2019. [pdf], [bibtex].
- Kyle Denney, E. Erdin, Leonardo Babun, Michael Vai, A. Selcuk Uluagac, “USB-Watch: A Dynamic Hardware-Assisted USB Threat Detection Framework,” In Proc. of EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm), Orlando, FL, October 2019 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Abbas Acar, Long Lu, Engin Kirda, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, An Analysis of Malware Trends in Enterprise Networks, The 22nd Information Security Conference (ISC), 2019 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Z. Berkay Celik, A. Acar, H. Aksu, Ryan Sheatsley, A. Selcuk Uluagac and Patrick McDaniel,”Curie: Policy-based Secure Data Exchange,” In 9th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY), [pdf], [bibtex].
- M. A. Hakim, H. Aksu, S. Uluagac, and K. Akkaya, “U-PoT: a honeypot framework for UPnP-Based IoT devices,” in 2018 IEEE 37th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2018), Orlando, USA, Nov. 2018 [pdf], [bibtex].
- E. Erdin, H. Aksu, S. Uluagac, M. Vai, and K. Akkaya, “OS independent and Hardware-Assisted in- sider threat detection and prevention framework,” in Milcom 2018 Track 3 – Cyber Security and Trusted Computing (Milcom 2018 Track 3), Los Angeles, USA, Oct. 2018 [pdf], [bibtex].
- H. B. Yesilyurt, H. Aksu, S. Uluagac, and R. Beyah, “SOTA: secure Over-the-Air programming of IoT devices,” in Milcom 2018 Track 3 – Cyber Security and Trusted Computing (Milcom 2018 Track 3), Los Angeles, USA, Oct. 2018 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Z. Berkay Celik, Leonardo Babun, Amit K. Sikder, H. Aksu, Gang Tan, Patrick McDaniel, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “Sensitive Information Tracking in Commodity IoT,” in Proc. of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium, Maryland, MD, August 2018, [pdf], [bibtex].
- E. Erdin, M. Cebe, K. Akkaya, S. Solak, E. Bulut, and S. Uluagac, “Building a private bitcoin-based payment network among electric vehicles and charging stations,” in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain 2018), [pdf], [bibtex].
- K. Akkaya, V. Baboolal, N. Saputro, S. Uluagac, and H. Menouar, “Privacy-preserving control of video transmissions for drone-based intelligent transportation systems,” in 2019 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) CPS-Security Workshop, 2019, pp. 1–7 [pdf], [bibtex].
- C. Kaygusuz, L. Babun, H. Aksu, and A. S. Uluagac, “Detection of compromised smart grid devices with machine learning and convolution techniques,” in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kansas City, USA. [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. Acar, H. Aksu, K. Akkaya, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “WACA: Wearable-Assisted Continuous Authentication,” 3rd International Workshop on Bio-inspired Security, Trust, Assurance and Resilience co-located with 39th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P 2018), Oakland, CA, May 24, 2018. [pdf], [bibtex].
- Nico Saputro, K. Akkaya, Ramazan Algin, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “Drone-assisted Multi-purpose Roadside Units for Intelligent Transportation Systems,”IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2018- Fall, Chicago, IL, USA, May 2018 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. K. Sikder, A. Acar, H. Aksu, A. S. Uluagac, K. Akkaya, and M. Conti, “Iot-enabled smart lighting systems for smart cities,” in 2018 IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), Jan 2018, pp. 639–645 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. Aydeger, N. Saputro, K. Akkaya, and S. Uluagac, “Assessing the overhead of authentication during SDN-Enabled restoration of smart grid inter-substation communications,” in 2018 15th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) (CCNC 2018), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2018, pp. 1–6 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. K. Sikder, H. Aksu, and A. S. Uluagac, “6thsense: A context-aware sensor-based attack detector for smart devices,” in Proc. of the 26th USENIX Security Symposium, Vancouver, BC, 2017, pp. 397– 414. [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. Acar, Z. B. Celik, H. Aksu, A. S. Uluagac, and P. McDaniel, “Achieving secure and differentially private computations in multiparty settings,” in 2017 IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC). D.C., USA: IEEE, 2017, pp. 49–59 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. Akkiraju, D. Gabay, B. Yesilyurt, H. Aksu, and A. S. Uluagac, “Cybergrenade: Automated exploitation of local network machines via single board computers,” in 4th National Workshop for REU Research in Networking and Systems, 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS). Orlando, FL, USA: IEEE, October 2017, pp. 580–584 [pdf], [bibtex].
- L. Babun, H. Aksu, and A. S. Uluagac, “Identifying counterfeit smart grid devices: A lightweight system-level framework,” in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, May 2017, pp. 1–6 [pdf], [bibtex].
- E. Vattapparamban, I. Guvenc, A. Yurekli, K. Akkaya, and A. S. Uluagac, “Drones for smart cities: Issues in cybersecurity, privacy, and public safety,” in 2016 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Cyprus, Sept 2016, pp. 216–221. [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. Aydeger, K. Akkaya, M. H. Cintuglu, A. S. Uluagac, and O. Mohammed, “Software-defined networking for resilient communications in smart grid active distribution networks,” in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Malaysia, May 2016, pp. 1–6 [pdf], [bibtex].
- K. Denney, A. S. Uluagac, K. Akkaya, and S. Bhansali, “A novel storage covert channel on wearable devices using status bar notifications,” in 2016 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC), Jan 2016 [pdf], [bibtex].
- S. Tonyali, K. Akkaya, N. Saputro, and A. S. Uluagac, “A reliable data aggregation mechanism with homomorphic encryption in smart grid ami networks,” in 2016 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC), Jan 2016, [pdf], [bibtex].
- C. Wampler, S. Uluagac, and R. Beyah, “Information leakage in encrypted ip video traffic,” in 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec 2015, pp. 1–7 [pdf], [bibtex].
- K. Akkaya, A. S. Uluagac, and A. Aydeger, “Software-defined networking for wireless local networks in smart grid,” in 2015 IEEE 40th Local Computer Networks Conference Workshops (LCN Workshops), Oct 2015, pp. 826–83. [pdf], [bibtex].
- T. Nunnally, A. S. Uluagac, and R. Beyah, “Intersec: An interaction system for network security applications,” in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2015, pp. 7132–7138 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. Selcuk Uluagac, “Sensory Channel Threats to Military CPS and IoT Assets, ” in Proc. of the NATO Information Systems Technology (IST)-128Workshop on Cyber Attack Detection, Forensics and Attribution for Assessment of Mission Impact (IST-128-RWS-019), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2015 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. S. Uluagac, V. Subramanian, and R. Beyah, “Sensory channel threats to cyber-physical systems: A wake-up call,” in 2014 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security, Oct 2014, pp. 301– 309. [pdf], [bibtex].
- J. Cho, A. S. Uluagac, J. Copeland, and Y. Chang, “Efficient safety message forwarding using multi-channels in low-density vanets,” in 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Dec 2014, pp. 70–72 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. D. Goldman, A. S. Uluagac, and J. A. Copeland, “Cryptographically-curated file system (ccfs): Secure, inter-operable, and easily implementable information-centric networking,” in 39th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Sept 2014, pp. 142–149 [pdf], [bibtex].
- X. Liao, S. Uluagac, and R. A. Beyah, “S-match: Verifiable privacy-preserving profile matching for mobile social services,” in 2014 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, June 2014, pp. 287–298 [pdf], [bibtex].
- W. Liu, A. S. Uluagac, and R. Beyah, “Maca: A privacy-preserving multi-factor cloud authentication system utilizing big data,” in 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFO- COM WKSHPS), April 2014, pp. 518–523 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. Brzeczko, A. S. Uluagac, R. Beyah, and J. Copeland, “Active deception model for securing cloud infrastructure,” in 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WK- SHPS), April 2014, pp. 535–540 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. S. Uluagac, S. V. Radhakrishnan, C. Corbett, A. Baca, and R. Beyah, “A passive technique for fingerprinting wireless devices with wired-side observations,” in 2013 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Oct 2013. [pdf], [bibtex].
- S. V. Radhakrishnan, A. S. Uluagac, and R. Beyah, “Realizing an 802.11-based covert timing channel using off-the-shelf wireless cards,” in 2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec 2013, pp. 722–725 [pdf], [bibtex].
- Troy Nunnally, Kulsoom A. , A. Selcuk Uluagac, John Copeland, and R. A. Beyah, “NAVSEC : A Recommender System for 3D Network Security Visualizations, ” in 10th International Symposium on Visualization for Cybersecurity (VIZSEC). [pdf], [bibtex].
- R. K. Chandrasekar, A. S. Uluagac, and R. Beyah, “Proviz: An integrated visualization and programming framework for wsns,” in 38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks – Workshops, Oct 2013, pp. 146–149 [pdf], [bibtex].
- V. Subramanian, S. Uluagac, H. Cam, and R. Beyah, “Examining the characteristics and implications of sensor side channels,” in 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2013, pp. 2205–2210 [pdf], [bibtex].
- T. Nunnally, P. Chi, K. Abdullah, A. S. Uluagac, J. A. Copeland, and R. Beyah, “P3d: A parallel 3d coordinate visualization for advanced network scans,” in 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). [pdf], [bibtex].
- M. Valero, S. Uluagac, S. Venkatachalam, K. C. Ramalingam, and R. Beyah, “The monitoring core: A framework for sensor security application development,” in 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2012), Oct 2012, pp. 263–271 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. D. Goldman, A. S. Uluagac, R. Beyah, and J. A. Copeland, “Plugging the leaks without unplug- ging your network in the midst of disaster,” in 37th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Oct 2012, pp. 248–252 [pdf], [bibtex].
- T. Nunnally, A. S. Uluagac, J. A. Copeland, and R. Beyah, “3dsvat: A 3d stereoscopic vulnerability assessment tool for network security,” in 37th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Oct 2012, pp. 111–118 [pdf], [bibtex].
- K. C. Ramalingam, V. Subramanian, A. S. Uluagac, and R. Beyah, “Simage: Secure and link-quality cognizant image distribution for wireless sensor networks,” in 2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec 2012, pp. 616–621 [pdf], [bibtex].
- M. Valero, S. S. Jung, A. S. Uluagac, Y. Li, and R. Beyah, “Di-sec: A distributed security framework for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks,” in 2012 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, March 2012, pp. 585–593 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. S. Uluagac, R. A. Beyah, and J. A. Copeland, “Time-based dynamic keying and en-route filtering (tick) for wireless sensor networks,” in 2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010, Dec 2010, pp. 1–6 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. S. Uluagac, R. A. Beyah, R. Kane, S. Joshi, and J. A. Copeland, “Analysis of varying as path lengths from the edge of the network,” in 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, May 2010, pp. 1–6 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. S. Uluagac, T. Fallon, W. Thain, and J. A. Copeland, “Development of undergraduate network security labs with open source tools,” in American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference of Composition and Exhibition, Austin, TX. [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. S. Uluagac, C. Lee, R. Beyah, and J. Copeland, “Designing secure protocols for wireless sensor networks,” in Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Y. Li, D. Huynh, S. Das, and D.-Z. Du, Eds. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008, vol. 5258, pp. 503– 514 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. S. Uluagac and D. Williams, “Building hardware-based low-cost experimental DSP learning modules,” in American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference of Composition and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2008 [pdf], [bibtex].
- R. Butera, M. Clark, M. T. S. Deck, A.and Torba, S. Uluagac, and D. Williams, “Cooperative university/industry development of a freshman “introduction to ece design” course,” in American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference of Composition and Exhibition, Hawaii, June 2007 [pdf], [bibtex].
- A. S. Uluagac and J. Peha, “Ip multicast over cable tv networks,” in Group Communications and Charges. Technology and Business Models, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin / Heidel- berg, 2003, vol. 2816, pp. 168–180 [pdf], [bibtex].
Refereed Demos and Posters:
- Peer-reviewed Poster: Harun Oz, Faraz Naseem, Ahmet Aris, Abbas Acar, Guliz Seray Tuncay, A Selcuk Uluagac. “Feasibility of Malware Visualization Techniques against Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks”. 43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) 2022.
- Peer-reviewed Poster: L. Babun and A. S. Uluagac, “Security and Privacy Mechanisms for IoT and IIoT Devices and Applications”, in the RSA Conference, San Francisco February 2020.
- Peer-reviewed Poster: L. Babun, B. Celik, P. McDaniel, and A. S. Uluagac, “Real-time Privacy Analysis of IoT Apps”, Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), December 2019, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Peer-reviewed Poster: A.K.Sikder, L. Babun, B. Celik, A. Acar, H. Aksu, P. McDaniel, E. Kirda, and A. S. Uluagac, “A Novel Fine-grained Access Control System for Multi-user Multi-device Smart Home Systems”, Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), December 2019, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- L. Babun and A. S. Uluagac, “Blockchain-assisted Privacy Analysis of IoT Apps”, in the GDRR Foundations for Blockchain Data Analytics Workshop, October 2019, the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI), October 2019, Durham, NC.
- A. K. Sikder and A. S. Uluagac, “CAREER: Securing Sensory Side-Channels in Cyber-Physical Systems”, in the 2019 Annual NSF CPS PI Meeting, Crystal City, VA, USA.
- Peer-reviewed Poster: Kyle Denney, Enes Erdin, Leonardo Babun, and Selcuk Uluagac, “POSTER: Dynamically Detecting USB Attacks in Hardware,” Poster at the 12th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec), Miami, May 16, 2019
- Peer-reviewed Poster: Luis Puche Rondon, Leonardo Babun, Kemal Akkaya, and Selcuk Uluagac, “POSTER: Attacking HDMI Distribution Networks,” Poster at the 12th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec), Miami, May 16, 2019
- Peer-reviewed Poster: Leonardo Babun, Amit Kumar Sikder, Abbas Acar, and Selcuk Uluagac, “POSTER: A Digital Forensics Framework for Smart Settings,” Poster at the 12th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACMWiSec), Miami, May 16, 2019
- Peer-reviewed Poster: Luis Puche Rondon, Leonardo Babun, Kemal Akkaya, and Selcuk Uluagac, “HDMI-Walk: Attacking HDMI Distribution Networks via Consumer Electronic Control Protocol,” Poster at the Annual Research Conference at the University of Florida’s Florida Institute of Cybersecurity Research, Gainesville, FL, March 9, 2019
- Peer-reviewed Poster: Kyle Denney, Enes Erdin, Leonardo Babun, and Selcuk Uluagac, “Hardware-Assisted Insider Threat Detection Framework,” Poster at the Annual Research Conference at the University of Florida’s Florida Institute of Cybersecurity Research, Gainesville, FL, March 9, 2019.
- A. K. Sikder and A. S. Uluagac, “A Context-aware Framework for Detecting Sensor-based Threats on Smart Devices”, Transforming Antenna Center Workshop, Florida International University, September 12, 2018. (Best Poster Award)
- Mumin Cebe, Enes Erdin, Kemal Akkaya, Hidayet Aksu and A.Selcuk Uluagac,”Building a Private Bitcoin-based Payment Network among Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations,” Poster at the Annual Research Conference at the University of Florida’s Florida Institute of Cybersecurity Research, Gainesville, FL, March 1, 2018 (Best Poster Award)
- Leonardo Babun, Z. Berkay Celik, Amit K. Sikder, Hidayet Aksu, Gang Tan, Patrick McDaniel, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “SaINT: Sensitive Information Tracking for IoT Apps,” Demo at the Annual Research Conference at the University of Florida’s Florida Institute of Cybersecurity Research, Gainesville, FL, March 1, 2018 (Best Demo Award)
- Abbas Acar, Hidayet Aksu, Kemal Akkaya, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “Wearable-assisted Continuous Authentication,” Poster at the Annual Research Conference at the University of Florida’s Florida Institute of Cybersecurity Research, Gainesville, FL, March 1, 2018
- Leonardo Babun, Hidayet Aksu, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A Framework for Counterfeit Smart Grid Device Detection,” Demo at the Annual Research Conference at the University of Florida’s Florida Institute of Cybersecurity Research, Gainesville, FL, March 8, 2017 (Best Demo Award)
- Leonardo Babun, Hidayet Aksu, and A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A Framework for Counterfeit Smart Grid Device Detection,” Poster and Demo at the Annual Department of Energy’s SEEDS Center Research Meeting, Miami, FL, 19 January 2017 (Best Poster and Demo Award)
- Abbas Acar, Hidayet Aksu, Kemal Akkaya, and A.Selcuk Uluagac, ”WACA: Wearable-Assisted Continuous Authentication Framework with Motion Sensors,“ Poster at The 25th USENIX Security Symposium, August 2016
- Abdullah Aydeger, Kemal Akkaya, A. Selcuk Uluagac, “SDN-based Resilience for Smart Grid Communications,” Demo at the IEEE International Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks, San Francisco, CA, November 2015[pdf]
- Kyle Denney, A. Selcuk Uluagac, Kemal Akkaya, and Nico Saputro, “A Novel Storage Covert Channel on Wearable Devices Using Status Bar Notifications”, Demo at the IEEE International Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Clearwater Beach, FL, October 2015
- A. Selcuk Uluagac, Wenyi Liu, and Raheem Beyah, “A Multi-factor Re-authentication Framework with User Privacy,” Poster at the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), San Fransisco, CA, October 2014
- Aaron Goldman, A. Selcuk Uluagac, and J. A. Copeland, ”Cryptographically-Curated File System (CCFS): Secure, Inter-operable, and Easily Implementable Information-Centric Networking,” Demo at the IEEE International Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), September 2014, Edmonton, Canada
- Xiaojing Liao, A.Selcuk Uluagac, and R. A. Beyah,“S-Match: An Efficient Privacy-preserving Profile Matching Scheme” Poster at the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 2013.
- Sakthi V Radhakrishnan, A.Selcuk Uluagac, and R. A. Beyah,”A DCF-Based Covert Timing Channel for IEEE 802.11 With Off-The-Shelf Wireless Cards,“ Poster at The 21st USENIX Security Symposium, August 2012
- Marco Valero, Sang Shin Jung, A. Selcuk Uluagac, Yingshu Li, Raheem Beyah, “The Monitoring Core (M-Core): Toward Fully Securing Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks“, Poster at The 27th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), December 2011
- Marco Valero, Sang Shin Jung, A. Selcuk Uluagac, Yingshu Li, Raheem Beyah, “Di-Sec: A Distributed Security Framework for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks“, Demo at ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), September 2011
Other Unrefereed Articles, Demos, and Posters
- “The Design of NetSecLab: A Small Competition-Based Network Security Lab”, Poster at at The 2010 Georgia Tech Security Summit: Emerging Cyber Security Threats, Georgia Tech Information Security Center (GTISC), October 2010
- “TIme-Based DynamiC Keying and En-Route Filtering (TICK) for Sensor-Based Ceyber-Physical Systems“, Poster at at The 2010 Georgia Tech Security Summit: Emerging Cyber Security Threats, Georgia Tech Information Security Center (GTISC), October 2010
Media Coverage:
- TV Interview (Spanish), “Noticias Telemundo: “¡Puedo verte en la cama! ¡Vamos! ¡Despierta!”. Denuncian preocupantes casos de piratería con cámaras de seguridad”, Rogelio Mora-Tagle, 2019, Miami, FL, link.
- TV Interview (Spanish), “Noticias Telemundo: Thousands of people are heard through Alexa”, NBC Universal, Rogelio Mora-Tagle, April 12, 2019, Miami, FL, link.
- TV Interview (Spanish), “Primer Impacto: Did you know that a ‘hacker’ can steal your information by approaching your smart watch?”, Univison, Rogelio Santiago Franco, March 29, 2019, Miami, FL, link.
- TV Interview (Spanish), “Noticias Telemundo: Internet turns 30”, Telemundo, Rogelio Mora-Tagle, March 12, 2019, Miami, FL, link.
- News Article, “Security flaws found in popular smart home devices,” PBS Newshour Science, Jamie Leventhal, November 6, 2019, link
- News Article, “FIU students searching for cybersecurity solutions”, NBC Miami, November 26, 2018, link
- News Article, “FIU inspires future learners,” Miami’s Community Newspapers, February 28, 2018, link
- News Article, “How to stop phone apps from spying on you, Stephen Ornes, January 26, 2018, link
- News Article, “Your phone is like a spy in your pocket,” Science News, Maria Temming, January 23, 2018, link
- TV Interview, “Connect U: FIU offers students specialized training in smart devices,” WSVN Channel 7, Lorena Estrada, December 29, 2017, Miami, FL, link
- News Article, “Experts talk cyber attacks on business, lead live hack,” FIU News, Gisela Valencia, December 21, 2017, link
- TV Interview, “FIU Looks to Future With ’Internet of Things’ Degree,” NBC 6 Miami, Jamie Guirola, Nov 2, 2017, link
- News Article, “CyberCorps pays for students’ education, gives them job opportunities,” FIU News, Diana Hernandez-Alende , October 10, 2017, link
- TV Interview, “Guard your gadgets,” WSVN Channel 7, Leisa Williams, November 11, 2016, Miami, FL, link
- TV Interview, “Dangers of Unsecured Surveillance Cameras,” NBC Miami Channel 6, Laura Rodriguez, August 18, 2016, link
- News Article, “Universities, Utility Research Protecting Nation’s Power Grid From Cyber Attacks,” Homeland Security Today, Anthony Kimery, Editor-in-Chief, October 13, 2015
- News Article, “FIU Works To Protect Against Power Grid Cyber Attacks,” CBS Miami, Giovanna Maselli, October 12, 2015